Thursday 17 March 2016

22 March General cards

Use stencil and chic viola colour cloud for background and picture edges.. Leaves marsh green, flower wild cranberry. Sakura clear pen to flower centres.

Tail and feet umber or firewood (brown) colour whole bird satin then add a mix of browns ie burnt sienna walnut caramel raw sienna. Black glaze pen to eye. Sky and ground chalk. Edges brushed corduroy ink.

Computer geek
Carpet chalk. Computer edges ice grey 2. Computer screens pastel blue. Cabinet on desk and chair moss green with grey squirrel legs. Trousers capri blue or denim, skin satin, desk firewood or umber (brown). Speaker fronts sleigh bell yellow. Shirt Berry red. Socks china blue. Shoes henna or walnut. Hair sandstone, cables pencil. Sakura pen to knobs. Edges of picture and sentiment faded jeans ink.

Leaves apple cider or marsh green. Flowers all over with lavender then add bluebell highlights. Ground chalk. Foam pads under picture. Sakura clear pen to leaves.

Gold anniversary
Stamp into ultra thick embossing powder, add gold gilding wax. Sakura clear pen to dots on glasses foam pads under glasses.

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